Thursday, June 21, 2007

Our Vacation By Kay

I had a lot of fun on our trip to Madison, Wisconsin. My favorite activities were see the trolls on Trollway, going 70 ft. into the ground at Cave of the Mounds, and going downtown Madison.

In Mt. Horeb, they call Main St. Trollway because there are trolls hidden through out the town.

This is a tourist troll. We found all of the trolls besides the two in Little Norway.

This is the entrance way to the Cave of the Mounds. I bought gifts for my family and a necklace for myself.

This is Polly the Parrot. I am not making up this name. Her name is Polly the Parrot. This is a stalagmite and a stalactite that glows in the dark. The ceiling also glows in the dark.

1 comment:

Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Ooh! sounds good! Lots of trolls and good photos!